Urgent Attention Needed to Address Alleged Plot Against SDP Campaign Director in Kogi State

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We are writing to raise serious concerns about a potential threat to the safety and wellbeing of Mr. Sheikh Ibrahim Jibril, Director General of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) Campaign Council in Kogi State.


Recent information suggests a worrying plot orchestrated by elements within the Kogi State government, allegedly involving the state security apparatus led by Commissioner of Police Bethrand Onuaho and personnel from the Rapid Response Squad. These individuals are suspected of planning to plant illegal arms and ammunition at Mr. Jibril’s residence in Anyigba.


This alleged scheme appears to be a desperate attempt to discredit Mr. Jibril and derail the ongoing investigation into the coordinated attack on him on November 7, 2023, which tragically resulted in the deaths of two police officers and two of his younger brothers.

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We believe this situation warrants immediate attention from the highest authorities in Nigeria, including President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the National Security Adviser, the Inspector General of Police, the Director-General of the Department of State Services, and the Director-General of the Civil Defence Corps.


It is important to remember that Governor Yahaya Bello’s claim to electoral victory does not justify such targeted harassment and intimidation against Mr. Jibril, a well-respected figure known for his humanitarian work and positive impact on the lives of countless Kogi State residents.


Governor Bello’s alleged actions raise serious concerns about the rule of law and basic human rights in Kogi State. The primary duty of any government is to protect the lives and property of its citizens, and it is unacceptable that Governor Bello appears to be resorting to tactics of fear and violence in his final days in office.

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We urge the relevant authorities to take swift and decisive action to investigate these allegations and ensure the safety of Mr. Jibril and all citizens of Kogi State. Should no concrete steps be taken to address this alarming situation, we fear that citizens may be forced to resort to self-help measures to protect themselves from further harm.


Furthermore, we condemn any attempt to eliminate political figures from Kogi East or any other region in Nigeria. Such actions have no place in a democratic society and will only contribute to further instability and violence.


We call on all Nigerians to stand together in defense of democracy, the rule of law, and the basic human rights of all citizens.





Isaiah Davies Ijele


Director, New Media


Muri/Sam Campaign Council/SDP



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